Empowering Educators

Becoming a Suzuki teacher will start where your instrumental course of study left off. The Teacher Training Course will include further work on your own instrument, including learning the Suzuki repertoire. You will also receive instruction on how to teach and the business skills required for instrumental teachers.

Our comprehensive Suzuki Teacher Training courses include:

- A structured and highly effective method for teaching
- Practical skills and advice for working with children of all ages and their parents
- A clear plan for developing your teaching career
- Membership of a supportive, international community of teachers and involvement in events
- Ongoing guidance from your trainers and CPD opportunities
- Demand for your teaching - there are families around the UK who are keen to start Suzuki lessons and more Suzuki teachers are needed all the time

Suzuki Teacher Training courses are available across the UK for the following instruments: Cello, Piano, Recorder, Viola, and Violin. 

To find out more about the teacher training courses, explore the information pages below or contact our Course Directors at teachertraining@britishsuzuki.com and they will be happy to help!


"The Suzuki course provides comprehensive training in all areas of instrumental teaching in a hugely positive and supportive environment. You leave the course feeling empowered to teach to the highest standard and to give every child a rich and engaging musical education. Being part of a community of like-minded, passionate teachers and musicians is invaluable."

Charlotte, Violin Teacher Trainee 2012-2016

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