Attend an Open Day

Anyone wishing to become a Suzuki teacher trainee is recommended to attend our online Open Day. 

This is normally held in early March. The 2024 date has passed but a recording is available. Please email teachertraining@britishsuzuki.comfor information.

Observe a Course

Observation is a great way to find out if the course will be right for you. Get in touch with the Course Directors to find out when you could attend a course as an observer. 

Contact the BSMA Course Directors


Communication preferences

Apply for a teacher training course

Deadline 14 June 2024

For Cello, Piano, Recorder, Viola and Violin

If you are ready to apply, please ensure you have the following to hand:

1.  An up-to-date CV to send with the application form.
2.  The names and contact details of two referees; one of whom must be a musician.
3.   Your audition repertoire prepared (you will email the YouTube links later).

British Suzuki Music Association CIO is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1186062 at Unit C, Q West, 1110 Great West Road, Brentford, TW8 0GP. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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