BSMA National Suzuki Workshop 2025

Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th April

Residential Registration from late afternoon Tuesday 8th April, with Dinner at 5.30pm
Non-Residential Registration from 8am Wednesday 9th April
NSW 2025 Welcome Meeting for all participants at 8.30am Wednesday 9th April
Final concert in the afternoon on Friday 11th April, end by 3.30pm

Badminton School, Bristol

All registrations are now closed.

This workshop will be for Suzuki students of all ages and levels, from beginner to advanced. It is open to Suzuki Students from across the world. Residential spaces are available.

Programmes in Violin, Viola, Cello, and Piano include masterclasses, tonalization, group and enrichment classes. 

Suzuki Early Childhood Education classes will be available for children ages 0-4.  

Our Mini Programme will provide an introduction to the Suzuki workshop experience with a half-day schedule. Designed for children up to age 7, pre-twinkle/early book 1.

Classes will be scheduled through the morning and afternoon over three days, including concerts, playtogether or ensemble, and talks for parents and teachers. Activities including an indoor pool, sports centre, and use of the grounds are available.

Teacher observers are very welcome. 

Accommodation is offered on the school campus in comfortable, shared dormitory-style rooms.

For all enquiries, please contact: [email protected]

"Music is the language of the heart without words" - Shinichi Suzuki

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