To find a registered BSMA Suzuki teacher, please click on our Teacher List below and contact two or three teachers in your area directly. Our Teacher List is sorted by instrument and region, town/county and, finally, postcode - which we hope will make it easier for you to find a teacher in your area. Teachers can also be contacted directly via 

Unfortunately the BSMA office is not able to help you find a teacher further to what is on this list; these are all our members who have consented to have their information shared. The teachers are not employed by the BSMA, and all contact with teachers is done directly between the prospective family and the teacher.

The figures in brackets after the name indicate the level of training that the teacher has reached, 5 being the highest. 'Mats' indicates that the teacher graduated in Matsumoto, Japan, while * indicates post-graduate study in Matsumoto. Other letters after the level indicate the country in which the teacher trained.

As Suzuki was a violinist, he started teaching the Suzuki Method on the violin. This is, therefore, the instrument which is most associated with the method. However, the Suzuki Method is by no means restricted to the violin. Lessons are offered on a wide range of instruments: Violin, Piano, Cello, Viola, Recorder, Flute, Trumpet, Voice, Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE). 

If you are not sure about which instrument to choose, it may be possible to observe a lesson before making your choice. Learning a musical instrument is a big commitment for the child, the parent and the teacher so it is important to make the right decision.

Teacher List 24 March 2025

PARENTS: Your role in your child's Suzuki learning

Parents have a very important role to play in the education of a Suzuki music student. Even before lessons begin, they are encouraged to play recordings of classical music to their young children. Once lessons start, they are expected to attend the lessons, take notes as directed by the teacher and supervise practice at home, including ensuring that the child listens to the pieces he or she is playing, every day.

It is not necessary for a parent to be able to play the instrument his or her child is learning. The teacher will equip every parent with sufficient knowledge to help the child at home. Indeed, many parents have become so inspired helping their children, they have taken up study themselves.

British Suzuki Music Association CIO is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1186062 at Unit C, Q West, 1110 Great West Road, Brentford, TW8 0GP. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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