Teacher Observers and BSMA Trainees

Wednesday 9th - Friday 11th April
Badminton School, Bristol

We warmly invite all Suzuki colleagues to observe at the children's workshop, which begins on Wednesday. A DBS certificate, dated within the last 3 years, is required for all teacher observers.

The course for BSMA Trainees will begin on Tuesday 08 April, and run through Friday 11 April (4 days). 

Registration is now closed.


We are not offering residential places for trainees or observers, but your fee will include lunch daily.

ESA Level 5 Graduate Teachers do not have to pay a fee to observe; however, there is a day rate levied to us by the venue to include your lunch, and to cover things like insurance. 

Teacher Observers:
1 day: £50
3 days: £140

ESA Level 5 Teacher:
1 day: £25
3 days: £75

BSMA Trainees:
4 days: £100

Cancellation Policy for Observers and BSMA Trainees

Through 28 February 2025: 100% refund minus £30 administration fee
From 01 March 2025: Sorry, no refunds possible

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