
If you are ready to apply for the Teacher Training course, please ensure you have the following to hand:

  • An up-to-date CV to send with the application form
  • The names and contact details of two referees; one of whom must be a
  • Your audition repertoire prepared (you will email the YouTube links later)
  • £30 to be paid by PayPal for the audition 


Deadline 13 June 2025

A limited number of means-tested bursaries are available from the BSMA and LSG for teachers enrolled on a BSMA training course. The amount of the award is variable, but generally where a bursary is made, it is between 10%-20% of the course fee.

Please fill in the PDF below and send it via email to the Office at [email protected]. This will then be passed to the Trustees for consideration in bulk after the closing date.

Bursary Application 2025-26
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