Mini Workshop 2025

Wednesday 9th April to Friday 11th April
Ends early afternoon, and includes lunch
Badminton School, Bristol

Register now!

Who can attend:

Suzuki violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, recorder and trumpet who are 7 years or under; Pre-twinkle or early Book 1 is recommended.


  • Daily Tonalization, Masterclass, and Group Lesson
  • Playtogether
  • Parent talks given by Suzuki teachers
  • Participation in Final Concert on the afternoon of Friday 11th April

Experienced young musicians may find the Main Workshop to be more fulfilling.

All classes will be taught in English.

All families must have an accompanying adult; please make sure this is included and paid for when you apply.

"Where love is deep, much can be accomplished" - Shinichi Suzuki

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