Main Workshop 2025

Wednesday 9th - Friday 11th April
Badminton School, Bristol

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Who can attend:

Suzuki violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, recorder, trumpet students from Book 1 to advanced levels.


  • Daily Tonalization, Masterclass, and Group lesson
  • Enrichment classes and Playtogether or Ensemble, depending on age and playing level
  • Parent talks given by Suzuki teachers

  • Participation in Final Concert to be held on the afternoon of Friday 11th April.

All classes will be taught in English. 

All families must have an accompanying adult; please make sure this is included and paid for when you apply.

Pre-Twinkle to early Book 1 children under 7 years old may find the Mini Workshop better suits their needs.

"Beautiful tone, beautiful heart" - Shinichi Suzuki

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