About the BSMA

British music teachers first heard of The Suzuki Method in the early seventies when the Head of Music at South Hampstead Girl’s School went to Japan. She returned to found the East Hertfordshire Suzuki Experiment. Several other teachers followed her precedent and travelled to Japan to observe and study the Suzuki Method. Their efforts resulted in the formation of a national organisation, The British Suzuki Institute, in 1978. In 2021, a new constitution was adopted, which included a name change to the British Suzuki Music Association (BSMA). The BSMA is the official National Suzuki Association for Great Britain. 

The BSMA has many roles but, most importantly, it is responsible for training teachers in the Suzuki Method. The BSMA also organises national concerts every two years at such prestigious concert venues as The Royal Festival Hall in London and Symphony Hall in Birmingham. The BSMA is responsible for the guardianship and promotion of the Suzuki Method and name in the United Kingdom. The BSMA also looks after the Suzuki teachers and families who are its members. 

Members of the BSMA may participate in Workshops, National Concerts, Summer Schools, Graduation, Conferences and other events organised by the association. Members receive Ability Magazine with articles relevant to the Suzuki method and current information on events throughout Britain and Europe. Members can order music from the BSMA bookshop and have it sent direct to their home with a discount off the list price.


The BSMA is governed by a Board of Trustees, and supported by various committees and the administrator.

Ms Hannah O'Dell (Chair)
Ms Lirong Chen (Hon. Treasurer)
Ms Michelle Bernard
Ms Helen Brunner
Ms Lauren Cannon
Ms Teresa Chick
Ms Paola De Carolis 
Ms Sue Finn 
Piers Adams
Lady Panufnik
Wissam Boustany


British Suzuki currently employs one full-time member of staff, the Administrator, and one part-time staff member for office assistance. The best way to get in touch is via email to [email protected] for the Administrator or [email protected] for office assistance. 

BSMA Office

In the summer of 2017, the BSMA moved to new offices in Brentford, to the west of London. The new location doubles up as administration office and also teacher training facilities, with six pianos, six individual spaces, and featuring folding sound-insulated walls to maximise flexibility. 

British Suzuki Music Association CIO is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1186062 at Unit C, Q West, 1110 Great West Road, Brentford, TW8 0GP. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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