On July 9th, the first York Suzuki Ensemble Workshop took place. During the day, students, teachers and parents worked together to produce items for the final concert. We had over 40 children from 0-16 participating either in the SECE group or playing a wide range of instruments: piano, flute, recorder, violin, cello, double bass, guitar and all sorts of percussion. For many students this was the first time they had played in an ensemble, partly because of lack of opportunity in recent months. It felt so good to be making music together again. Lots of parents brought their instruments too, so it was a very special concert which ended with a Twinkle Playtogether. Families also had a choice of enrichment opportunities including improvisation, musical circuit training, physical movement, music mind games, crafts and a treasure trail.  It was a glorious summer day at the University of York and we took full advantage of the lovely grounds during break times. Thank you to all the families for coming with such enthusiasm to participate. Thank you also to the teachers: Cristina Crespo, Karen Gibbard, Chloe Lees, Laura Wingrove, Fleur Hughes, Jenny Bray and Sue Finn. We are sure there will be more workshops in the future.

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